Hi! I'm Brad.
I am a

Google Docs

Software Engineer

May 2022 - Febuary 2024

During my time working as a Software Engineer at Google Docs, I was fortunate enough to contribute to this application that has over 1 billion active users. My main contributions related to a massive update to comments across Docs, Sheets and Slides, as well as taking part in the final steps of the fidelity project, relating to the conversion of Microsoft Word documents to docs.

To highlight some of my work (which you can open up a doc and see for yourself), I’ll start with the comments sidebar across docs, sheets and slides. Alongside its main features, we implemented comment filters and the “For you” tab.

early database schema for octavate website

We also worked on minimized comments which is now a feature across all editors which is a great way to simplify documents that have been heavily marked up.

A change in which I build from end to end was tab leaders (the dots, dashes and or underline that connects the title to the page number as show below). This change was during the addition of the Table of Contents feature and was the first project I was a part of at Google. The implementation of Tab leaders required an in depth peak under the hood of the model of Docs and was a great way to kick off my time at Google.

output of demo from bruce site


Full Stack Developer

April 2021 - April 2022

Chubb was a great introduction to the corporate world of programming where I met great friends and mentors to guide me along the way. I immediately dove deep into backend Node.js project surrounding data communication and manipulation, connecting users to updated payment and pricing systems for insurance claims and statements. This project was far outside my comfort zone as I not used to working on codebases of that size and the data processing required, was the first time I truly felt like a professional full-stack developer.

Tech Associates Program

I was brought onto the team while also taking part in the Tech Associates Prgram. This 2 year long track designed for early career professionals in IT included courses on public speaking, presentations, project management and teambuilding alongside a great community many of which I still stay in touch with years later.

After my initial project, I started working on business to business technologies, and realized that all my previous freelance and start-up experience had made me an excellent frontend programmer and designer. I built dashboards and for businesses to better understand the data from our end and communicate various claims. While my time at Chubb was cut short by an opportunity arising at Google, I was grateful for the people I met and the experiences I had along the way.

Tempo Turtle


January 2021 - Present

Click here to visit our website!

Tempo Turtle is a music technology company created by myself and my good friend William Fann. We have worked on and off on this project for years and started our efforts with a handheld keyboard we designed specifically designed for music production. We have started many projects since then including an application for easily remapping the keyboard, and even dipped our toes into open source VR haptics projects. Currently we are working on creating audio plugins for adding unique effects to your Digital Audio Workstation. Plan is to release our project and make announcements Summer 2024!

Tempo Turtle's Bradpad Ad


Full Stack Developer

May 2019-April 2021

At Octavate, I worked with a music-tech startup called Octavate. On this small team which I was been a part of for nearly 2 years , I found myself developing multiple aspects of this company. I started as a database developer creating the schema to organize the large amounts of data we were going to be storing and analyzing.

Image of an early iteration of the database schema which, as of November 10th 2020, has over 300,000 entries.
early database schema for octavate website

After finishing this initial task, I stayed with the team and started working as a backend developer to help the frontend visualizations of the site communicate with the database. At the time, we were working with complex visualizations built with Three.js over a Node.js framework. We decided to simplify the visualizations using D3.js and a unique tree structure to organize and have continued to build out more complex pieces of the site modeled after financial investment web apps.


Marketing Showcase Video

SlicerDMRI Internship
Click here for more info

Bruce Feiler

Web Developer

June 2019-April 2021

Click here to visit Bruce's website!

For about 2 years I created web content for New York Times Best Selling Author and Ted Talk Speaker Bruce Feiler. I developed various forms of content for his newest Book, such as an online interview with dynamic results and data visualizations based on the data of the novel. In his New York Times Best-Seller, Life Is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age, I created multiple visualizations that ended up in the pages of the book, based on data from over 200 interviews that I helped aggregate and organize.

Examples of my Work With Bruce

Be sure to try out the online life story interview!
Two pages from Bruce Feiler's Life Is in the Transitions which feature 3 of my 25 visualizations featured in the book.
page of Life is In The Transistions with my visualization page 1page of Life is In The Transistions with my visualization page 2
page of Life is In The Transistions with my visualization page 1
Working with Bruce has also included redisigning and building content for his website.

Customized Output of Online Life Story Interview

output of demo from bruce site
Alex Vrahas: Personal Site
Click here for more info

Alex Vrahas: Personal Site

Web Developer

October 2020

Click Here To Check Out The Site

One of the stranger websites I’ve built, in fact definitely the strangest website I’ve built. Created to reference the hyperactive, gif-centric early days of the internet, this site is a film portfolio to display the work of a friend of mine. He came to me with the idea as well as a basic wireframe and I was tasked with building out and making the site as insane as possible. I think I did a pretty good job!

My Favorite Part of This Project

Hovering shaking effect and unique page transitions
gif of explosive page transitions on Alex's Website
SlicerDMRI Internship
Click here for more info

Prottas Painting Website

Web Developer

January 2019

Click Here To Check Out The Site

This was my first paid website job, and it was a great experience to implement the skills I’d learn in college in a professional context. I was highered by Glenn Prottas who owns a local painting company in the hometown where I grew up. A pretty straightforward static site where design and ease of use became the focus for me.

My Favorite Feature

On hover appears a map overlay
gif of prottas painting website of contact page with map overlay
SlicerDMRI Internship
Click here for more info


Open Source Developer

Summer 2017

This was my first tech internship in which I took part in the development of an extension to the open source software 3D Slicer called SlicerDMRI. Working with Harvard Medical School and Brigham & Women's Hospital, I took part in the outreach and accessibility of SlicerDMRI focusing mainly on rewriting and reformatting the tutorials to become more accessible to people with limited programming experience. I also made a video outlining the tutorials and uses of SlicerDMRI.

Video Introduction To SlicerDMRI

Produced, edited, and wrote this video for SlicerDMRI

Like I said above: Hi, I’m Brad.

Click here to see my Resume!

I am a programmer and musician living in Brooklyn.

My love for building websites brought me into the world of design. I became interested in the artistic world of programming which has since grown into creative side projects and a continued enjoyment of music technology and production.

Click a side to learn more!

left brain graphicright brain graphic

Left Brain

Websites, UIs, Backend Technologies, Databases


  • Dedicating time looking for inspiration or researching and reading while taking notes and setting bookmarks.


  • Getting my ideas down with Pencil and paper allowing for an easy flow of ideas without getting bogged down.


  • Plotting out the steps of a project creating time slots with concrete tasks.


  • Following my schedule and building out a website. With every new project I include a new technology. For example, with this site this is my first time using Gatsby!


  • Reaching reach out to friends, family and co-workers to see where improvements can be made.

Right Brain

Music, Web Experiences, Videos, Visual Programming


  • Planning what you’re getting into and knowing you’re gonna be at least a little wrong.


  • Trying and quite possibly failing. A lot of my creative pursuits feel just as iterative as a website.


  • Placing (looser) constraints that allows me to move forward when something is good enough, and at points, when it's time to move on.

Goal: To create intuitive, inclusive and fun web experiences.

Reach out and say hi!

I am available for freelance projects and full-time employment.

Email me: brad.davis@nyu.edu